
children’s ministry

The Bible says in Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it“. That is why it is so important to have fun activities at church for the children to learn about God’s love. Satan is trying to lure our children into what the world says is right, and away from what God says is right. That is why it is very important we teach them while they are young, so as they get older they will not depart from the Word of God. We know that the children are not only the church of tomorrow, but they are also the church of today. So bring your children to be a part of our children’s department, so they can see that not only do their parents love them but most importantly Jesus loves them.
Connect Groups: Sundays at 9:00a
Kid’s Worship: Sundays at 9:00a & 10:45a

Children’s Devotion: Wednesdays at 6:30p
Parents Day Out (PDO): Tuesdays and Thursdays |  8:30a-2:30p (Click
here for more info)

student ministry

Loveland Student Ministry is all about Jesus. We want to create a fun and active environment where all students feel welcome.
Connect Groups: Sundays at 9a
Student Worship (Rally): Wednesday evenings at 6:30p

college ministry

Community built for the Sake of the Gospel.
College and young adults.
Connect Group: Sunday mornings at 9:00a
Bible Study: Wednesday nights at Loveland at 6:30p

connect groups

In terms of development, Jesus went through the same progression we do. He grew physically and mentally. He related to other people, and He was loved by God. Thus, it was important to Jesus, it should be important to all believers to develop in key areas such as spiritually, mentally, socially, and physically.
Connect Groups: Sunday mornings at 9:00a and 10:45a